Frequently Asked Questions

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Nowadays, every verification software, especially SaaS solutions like electronic signature apps and document management solutions heavily depends on verifiable QR codes to prove the authenticity of any documents to the users/verifiers.


VeriDoc secured QR codes don’t just point to a web page. Scanning a VeriDoc secured QR code initiates a sequence of technology-based verification steps in real-time. This includes a check that ensures that the original document stored on Amazon S3 hasn’t been edited or tampered with. The globally patented verification protocol uses the unique digital fingerprint of a document, which is referred to as a unique hash value to verify the authenticity of a document.


Data transparency is described as "the ability to easily access and work with data regardless of where it is located or what application created it" as well as "assurance that data being reported are accurate and come from the official source."


When a QR code is generated, the blockchain system assigns it a unique hash value. When a user or consumer scans a QR code to access information or data, the system first validates the QR code's hash value. The hash value of the QR code is then compared to the hash value in the blockchain.


A blockchain is created when an interconnected chain is formed between blocks, with each one referring to the block before it. Blockchain technology is based on distributed ledger technology (DLT). The DLT functions as a decentralised database of transaction information between various parties.


To fully understand the use of Qr code verification, let us first learn what is a 3-way unique hash verification. Every document created with blockchain-based SaaS solutions has a unique hash value (UHV) that is crucial when it comes to certificate verification.


Even today, most businesses track employee productivity with simple tools like an app log or a simple time tracker. These solutions are not just outdated but hamper employee and management productivity altogether. The recent pandemic situation globally has further affected employee productivity across various sectors.


Among its many advantages, SaaS is easy to adopt and low-cost in the beginning. It is generally beneficial to move everything to the cloud. In the case of SaaS, specifically, the benefits are all centred around cost and ease of use.


SaaS (Software as a Service) is becoming more and more common. Over the last decade, organisations have increasingly invested in Information Technology (IT) by implementing SaaS. SaaS has become a popular IT investment trend for a number of reasons. Because SaaS offers advantages that are not offered in other software models.


You've likely looked into customizations if you've invested in SaaS products. The term can be used to describe any enhancement, modification, or extension that was not prebuilt by developers and instead required custom coding. When considering customizations, the most common question is: is it worth it? There are many dimensions to consider when deciding whether to customize or use an out-of-the-box solution.


Yes, of course! Some essential benefits provided by cloud-based software includes, Redundancy One of the most significant benefits of storing your data in the cloud is that it is backed up multiple time. This redundancy is critical to ensuring the safety of your data.


The premise of the software-as-a-service or SaaS model is that a piece of software is hosted on a cloud infrastructure (i.e., operated through a web browser), and businesses pay a monthly fee to get access to this software. It often takes a good amount of coding knowledge, combined with a good amount of user interface design skills, to really make a SaaS product worthwhile.


Understanding the benefits of blockchain technology is immensely helpful in determining if it will benefit your business. From there, you can see how it’s changing many niches around the world. You may be surprised where it could go in your niche.


At the moment, blockchain technology is one of the most popular and exciting technologies. Although most people know the term, they don't fully understand what it means. After understanding the features of blockchain technology, you will have a clear idea of what blockchain is.


Absolutely yes! We offer a wide variety of popular SaaS solutions that comes with a free trial option. Our free trial has attractive features and benefits that you can easily try before committing to a paid subscription plan.


Not at all! Our SaaS solutions from electronic signature to certificate management software come with the option of monthly as well as annual subscription plans. Both the plan offerings are all-inclusive and do not require any extra or set-up charges.


All our SaaS solutions are designed by well-experienced experts who pay extra attention to make them secure and transparent. Nowadays, the software-as-a-service (SaaS) model is becoming increasingly popular among businesses.


Our SaaS products adopt blockchain technology to provide data transparency and data security to all our users. Our expert-designed SaaS solutions use VeriDoc Ledger, our very own blockchain designed with governments and enterprises in mind.


Today, even the most prestigious global organisations are opting for SaaS solutions because of their convenience, performance, and transparency.


With the rise in cyber security concerns and data breaches, most reputable organisations utilise QR verification to check the authenticity of documents stored in the blockchain.


Customers can benefit from SaaS businesses in a variety of ways, such as finding a ride or a song they like, hosting massive amounts of data, or running multiple field agents.


You can place the QR code anywhere on the document based on your preference. We recommend placing the QR code somewhere near the top of the first page so that it’s easy to locate for anyone who wants to verify the contents and eSignatures in the document.


An eSignature or electronic signature solution is an efficient and legally binding way to sign or approve digital documents. VeriDoc Sign leverages unique electronic identities, encryption, and blockchain to provide a more trusted and secure way of sending and signing documents. Our QR codes automate and simplify the verification process which enhances the user experience whilst also aiding to eliminate document and signature fraud.


A digital signature solution is a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) based digital certificate which authenticates the identity of the person signing a document online. One of the key benefits of VeriDoc Sign is that anyone can verify the authenticity of a document without the need to acquire costly digital certificates that are locked to a single platform.


The terms electronic signature and digital signature are often used as synonyms but they are actually quite different. The main difference is that a digital signature is typically used for authentication and is essentially an invisible code that is controlled by a certification authority, while an eSignature is often associated with the traditional hand-drawn signature.


Whenever a signer electronically signs a document using VeriDoc Sign, metadata including their name, signature time and date of the event is recorded on the blockchain. This can then be verified against time stamps to ensure that the event actually took place.


With the advent of digitization, according to international law, electronic signatures are a valid way of implementing agreements. Under the federal ESIGN Act, both electronic and digital signatures are legally admissible wherever U.S. federal law holds.


Yes, VeriDoc Sign is designed to make document signing simple and user-friendly. Only the envelope creator is required to have a VeriDoc Sign account so that they can prepare the document that is going to be signed.


VeriDoc Sign makes implementing eSignatures cost-effective for you. We don’t want you to lose any unused envelopes. So, all unused envelopes roll over to the following month and you keep them as long you have an active VeriDoc Sign subscription.


At VeriDoc Sign, we provide customers with all of the tools that they need to verify timestamps, metadata and unique hash values on the blockchain. Once the unique digital fingerprint of the document is recorded on the blockchain, it can't be edited or tampered with. This ensures security and transparency with VeriDoc Sign’s verification process.


VeriDoc Sign currently allows you to upload documents in DOC, DOCX, or PDF format for eSigning. Additional file formats will be supported in the near future. Stay tuned!


To electronically sign documents with VeriDoc Sign you don’t need any special tools or hardware. VeriDoc Sign is a cloud-based web app that can be accessed from any computer with internet access. To verify a document, simply scan the QR code using your mobile phone or any other preferred device.


One of the most useful features of VeriDoc Sign is the ability to make your documents public or private. A public document means that anyone can scan the QR code to verify the authenticity of a document. A private document means that the envelope creator can manage access to the document with a list of viewers (by default all signers have viewer access). Scanning the QR code of a private document requires users to enter their email address and a 6-digit OTP to access the results page.


VeriDoc Sign is a cloud-based e-signature software and uses Amazon S3 or Amazon Simple Storage Service (a service offered by Amazon Web Services) to store all documents.


Blockchain records are stored permanently on the blockchain. By default, all documents are stored on Amazon S3 for the lifetime of the document and can be verified anytime.


VeriDoc Sign’s electronic signature app uses VeriDoc Ledger, our very own blockchain designed with governments and enterprises in mind. VeriDoc Ledger is a fork of the Ethereum blockchain, enabling the ledger to inherit seven years’ worth of blockchain development and smart contracts capability. The credibility and track record of the second largest blockchain in the world, influenced the company’s decision to use Ethereum as the foundation for their technology.


While the UN Electronic Communications Convention dictates that electronic signatures are to be treated in the same way as wet signatures, not all countries have approved the convention as of yet. Some international parties may still require handwritten signatures.


From government records to corporate documents, electronic signatures are becoming the new normal. Electronic document signing eliminates the need for paper-based documents, increases document transparency, and reduces costs. Plus, it saves time and helps us to save the environment.


VeriDoc Sign is the world's first blockchain-secured, electronic signature service that utilizes its own patented verification technology. VeriDoc Sign allows envelope creators to choose between private and public documents to ensure full control over document verification and accessibility. One of the most attractive features of VeriDoc Sign is the secured QR code, which provides true document transparency and makes verification simple for everyone.


VeriDoc Sign’s eSign service provides complete document transparency to all of its users. Once a document is sent for signing, it cannot be edited or altered because if it is tampered with in any way, it would fail the document verification check.


Envelope creators can check the signature status from the main dashboard. For anyone else wanting to check the sign status, the events table on the results page after you scan the QR code displays a log of every event including when the envelope was created and who has already signed it.


No, VeriDoc Sign offers a multiple-user approach which means once you purchase your VeriDoc Sign subscription plan, you can add unlimited users to share the envelopes that come with your plan. This is an attractive feature that makes the VeriDoc Sign subscription both efficient and cost-effective for customers.


The payment gateway used to purchase a VeriDoc Sign e-signature subscription is Square. The world is a small space now. Technological advances have produced a web-enabled world. These advances allow more remote collaborations on research and work as well. We have already established eSignature in this globalized world to make processes smoother and more efficient. Switch to dependable electronic signature software like VeriDoc Sign today. It can ensure your customer's comfort as it is easy to access. When you embrace an electronic signature, it creates new possibilities for you to work together anywhere you want, securely and efficiently.


Audit logs are a critical component in today’s enterprise business systems as they provide several benefits such as records transparency, integrity, and security of sensitive information by creating a layer of evidential support. In the case of a centralized network, it can be easily altered or even deleted, leading to a lack of trust in the process. Additionally, they are usually under the control of a central authority that controls and manages information records. This lacks document transparency and often leads to questionable security of your electronically signed documents.


The information recorded on the blockchain cannot be changed or manipulated. As the stored information is distributed across multiple nodes, it is significantly more secure than traditional centralized networks. In the context of eSignatures, a blockchain is useful in verifying that the original document has not been tampered with or edited at any time before or after it has been signed. In addition to this, a blockchain also provides transparency and integrity around all eSigning events using verifiable time stamps, metadata, and unique hash values.


VeriDoc Sign is designed to make your life more efficient and simple. We recommend that envelope creators use a desktop to set up their documents for signing however all of the pages of our eSignature service are dynamic and mobile-friendly.